I hope this is only a Bug because else it's Discrimination or stupidity, because forcing People into the Facebook Plaque is a No-Go, i have an Twitter Account and an Seen.is Account which is the now growing Alternative to the Facebook Plaque since Facebook is discriminating People with the Realname Policy. And because i support the Resistance that grow'd because of it, i will never make an Facebook Account anyway, else i would be an Betrayer and also supporting that Discrimination myself.

And Companies that support Facebook also can be considered as supporting that Discrimination, which probably isn't very good as Advertisement Message. My Facebook hate is already going as far as not buying anything from Companies with a FB-Logo in their TV-Advertisement's, that Logo is like a "We support Discrimination" Logo for me now. I also anyway don't understand why Companies put that Logo in there, i mean it's like free Advertisement for an other Company and if you do that then either they are paying you or its because you fully support that Company including the negative Messages.

Any Company should really think twice before blindly putting Logo's from other Companies in their Advertisements, because it means sharing all positive but also negative Messages connected with it.