Netter Ava, Angel. Wer soll es sein?
@Lu: och ja, etwas müde von der Reise und total VERHUNGERT. Hab mir deswegen gleich 2 Pizzas abgeholt :)
-> the riddler from the US of A
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Netter Ava, Angel. Wer soll es sein?
@Lu: och ja, etwas müde von der Reise und total VERHUNGERT. Hab mir deswegen gleich 2 Pizzas abgeholt :)
-> the riddler from the US of A
Haarschnitt? OMG ----- Bloß nicht.
Auf den Charakter kommt es an.
Ein Synonym... Alex D. - Mehr nicht.
Das nenn ich mal einen guten Appetit...
Deinen Charakter brauchst Du nicht zu zeigen, der bleibt mir symphatisch - hugh
---> Carlos, zwischen zwei Happen Essen, danach Angel, wenn sie mit frisieren fertig ist...
Gleich 2 Pizzas?
Ich bin nach einer schon satt. :eek:
Carlos hindere ich momentan am Essen *G*... er muss tippen
und frisieren? Meine bis zum **** reichenden Haare? Brauchen nur eine Bürste.
-> Lu
Na dann :oD
So gn8@all
CMW.. was grinst du
und wieso suchst du das Weite?
Naja... Lu.. zugegeben.. Charakter?
Du weißt ja nicht,wie sehr ich einem bestimmten Mod derzeit zusetze :D
Nein, NICHT Carlos... Carlos ruht mittlerweile auf seinem mit Pizza gefülltem Bäuchlein.
-> Lu
Wieso beim tippen hindern, mit einer Hand essen, mit einer Hand tippen :)
@CMW: wir haben ein Sprichwort dazu: Mehr Augen als Bauch. Also viel mehr gekauft als ich essen kann. Vergleichbar mit euren "nie hungrig einkaufen" Spruch.
-> Lu
Dann bist du aber einer der ganz seltenen äußterst wenigen Multitasking- fähigen männlichen Wesen.Quote:
Original von CarlosCM
Wieso beim tippen hindern, mit einer Hand essen, mit einer Hand tippen :)
Jetzt aber -> Lu
Ja, nun kann ich wieder. Habe gerade wieder eine lange Antwort in der Rätselecke getippt.
---> Carlos, mit breitem und satten Grinsen - danach Angel, auf der Suche nach der Bürste...
Lu.... ich bin NICHT Rapunzel und beschäftige mich stundenlang mit meinen Haaren.
Meine Bürsten haben ihren festen Platz.
Next Miram [Edit] Der gar keinen besseren AVA hat[/Edit]
Ja Angel, ich weiß, daß Du nicht suchen mußt. Ich wollte nur nicht so lange warten, bis mir ein gescheiter Zeitvertreib einfiel, mit dem ich Dich ein wenig necken konnte - hehe.
---> Angel, auf der Suche nach Worten, wei sie LuYeah gescheites Benehmen beibringt
Lu... kennst du die Bedeutung von "hoffnungslos" ?
Falls nicht... kleiner TIpp = Ein Spiegel soll manches Mal Klarheit schaffen.
das war ja auch von mir selbst ironisch gemeint :D
Bin nich kreativ genug :D
->wer anders
So wollte auch mal wieder durch das Forum stöpern und allen eine Gute Nacht wwünschen. :wink:
-->Jmd der nörgeln will. :denk:
Sage bitte nicht, ich wäre hoffnungslos. Oder Deine Kraft mich zu verstehen, wäre hoffnungslos erschlafft. Oder es wäre hoffnungslos sich mit mir zu unterhalten.
Das würde ich nicht überleben. Da wäre ich selbst hoffnugslos verloren - ehrlich [na gut, aber nur ein leichtes Grinsen]
---> bitte, bitte Angel
KK ... EMB - an dir nörgel ich doch immer gern herum :D
Miram..... hab nicht behauptet , MEIN Ava wäre kreativ....
mein ava ist einfach mit verstecktem Witz versehen, wenn man Deus Ex 2 durchspielt
und sich andere Avas ansieht (winzig kleiner Tipp)
-> Lu
Ich wusste das das kommt. :haha:Quote:
Original von Angelback
KK ... EMB - an dir nörgel ich doch immer gern herum :D
-> Lu
Schön das ich dich auch mal wieder sehe.
P.S.: habe wieder deine zumindst damalige ICQ nummer gefunden. Komm trau dich, falls Du sie noch hast. Trau dich. :p
Here I am, rock you like a hurrican
Angel hat Deus X 2 schon durch. Lu hat es noch nicht mal gekauft, hm.
--> miram
Lu, wir haben zeitgleich gepostet
Ich verstehe Männer sowieso nicht. No Chance.
-> Lu
So nun aber wirklich Gute Nacht.
:)Wirklich schön mal wieder was von Dir ausser den News zu sehen. :keks:
Ein Mann hat einen Wunsch frei.
Er sagt dem Gönner, er möchte eine Autobahn von Hamburg nach New York, weil dort seine Freundin wohnt und er das Fliegen nicht vertrage.
Der Gönner sagt, das wäre sehr schwierig, ob er nicht einen anderen Wunsch hätte.
Na gut, sagt der Mann: "Dann erkläre mir die Psyche der Frauen"!!
Darauf der Gönner: "Wieviel Spuren soll die Autobahn denn haben ?"
---> Angel
Ich hab heute Morgen schon verschlafen.... war das übel.
Deshalb jetzt : Gute Nacht :wink:
-> ein Mann :D
gN8 @ all
---> einmal noch Angel
Hm... Irgendwie scheint mir der AVA von miram bekannt. Ist es nicht aus einen Foto von meiner alte Klotür in Marburg?
-> Lu
Ich habe ein "Do not disturb" Schild vom HardRockHotel Las Vegas vor meiner WC-Tür
"I hear ya knockin'
but ya can't come in"
...because the air is very sticky
---> Carlos
@angel: ich kann Kaugummi kauen und gleichzeitig laufen. Deutlich schwieriger als Pizza-Essen und tippen ;)
->Lu, der nicht Gastfreundlich genug ist
Come to my window
Crawl inside, wait by the light of the moon
Come to my window
I'll be home soon
Woher weißt Du das ?
Als ich noch geraucht habe, konnte ich dabei zeitgleich Zeitung lesen.
Heute kann ich Essen zubereiten und kochen und dabei telefonieren
---> Rasenmaeher, der schon die Tage zählt, wann es endlich losgeht
Es ist erstaunlich, was hier auf einmal für Zeitgenossen aufkreuzen. Geschöpfe, die ich schon lange nicht mehr vernommen habe.
Carlos, Angel, EMB (btw. wo warst du denn?).
Wobei ich mir die Frage, warum auf einmal EMB wieder da ist, sparen kann. Ist Angel da, ist auch EMB anwesend... :D
-> ein Frühaufsteher...
für mich wirds Zeit in den Sarg zu steigen und auf die nächste Nacht zu warten.
Hmm... in Manhatten wär ich jetzt gern, aber da muss ich noch ein paar Wochen warten :_(
*schon wieder vom Thema abschweif* :wall:
Für diejenigen, die die Sprache beherschen und/oder die entsprenchende Filme kennen:
(ps: diese witze sind zu schlecht für den witzethread, zu gut um nicht zu kennen. Deswegen hier)
# Why did the baker rob the bank?
# He needed the dough.
In Washington D.C., helicopters are often used to monitor the traffic conditions. Frequently jammed is the Francis Scott Key bridge, named after the man who wrote the national anthem. The bridge's traffic problem is notorious; among some, it's known as the Car Strangled Spanner.
# What did one plate say to the other?
# Lunch is on me.
# What do outlaws eat with their milk?
# Crookies.
# What does a proud computer call his little son?
# A microchip off the old block.
# Why won't a bike stand up by itself?
# It's two tired.
# How do you make anti-freeze?
# Take away her blanket.
# What did the football say to the football player?
# I get a kick out of you.
There's a small German town near Munich called Pfilzerplatz, and the town is renowned for producing fine stationery. Anyway, Munich had a problem -- the thousands of stray dogs in the city were breeding with one another and overrunning the city. So the people of Munich banded together and ran the dogs out of the city. Unfortunately, the dogs appeared in Pfilzerplatz. The dogs took over everything, and the mayor decided to evacuate the town. The paper mills were shut down, and everyone left.
But a couple days later, the townsfolk, watching their town from the hills, saw smoke rising from the smokestacks. They knew no humans were left in the town, so they concluded that the dogs had learned to operate the factories.
The mayor hurried to Munich's town hall and pleaded, "You've got to help us! The mills are alive with the hounds of Munich!"
Marge, Tina, and Cindy had made plans to attend the premiere of Madonna's film Evita. All three looked forward to the event, but at the last minute an unforeseen emergency at work prevented Cindy from going with them. Feeling bad for Cindy's sake, the other two sniffled and wept. But Cindy consoled them: "Don't cry for me, Marge and Tina."
# What kind of tree grows in your hand?
# A palm tree.
# Why didn't the grizzly wear any shoes?
# He wanted to go bear foot.
Mahatma Gandhi was a peculiar person. He walked barefoot everywhere, to the point that his feet became quite thick and hard. He often went on hunger strikes, and even when he wasn't on a hunger strike, he did not eat much and became quite thin and frail. He also was a very spiritual person. Finally, because he didn't eat much and when he did his diet was peculiar, he developed very bad breath. He became known as a super-calloused fragile mystic hexed by halitosis.
# Why are elephants big, wrinkled, grey, and hairy?
# Because if they were small, smooth, white, and hairless, they'd be aspirin tablets!
# Why did the boy take a ruler to bed with him?
# To see how long he slept.
# Why did the little girl bury her flashlight?
# Her batteries were dead.
# Knock knock.
# Who's there?
# Boo.
# Boo hoo?
# It's just a joke -- you don't have to cry about it.
# Why is a train like a stick of gum?
# One goes choo-choo; the other goes chew-chew.
# What's the difference between a mosquito and a fly?
# A mosquito can fly, but a fly can't mosquito.
Two atoms are talking:
* "Help, somebody has stolen one of my electrons!"
* "Are you sure?"
* "Yes, I'm positive!"
# What did the moron do when he thought he might be dying?
# He went into the living room!
# Knock knock.
# Who's there?
# Soup.
# Soup who?
# Souperman!
# Why was the cat afraid of the tree?
# Because of its bark.
# Where do baby cows go to eat lunch?
# At the calf-eteria.
# What do you call a fish with no eyes?
# Fsh.
# How do you make soup gold?
# You put in fourteen carrots.
# What do you call a cracked window?
# A pane in the glass.
# Why is a room full of married people empty?
# There isn't a single person in it.
# What do you call Robin Hood's mother?
# Mother Hood.
A guy walks into a doctors office with a carrot in his ear and a piece of celery up his nose. The doctor told him he wasn't eating right.
A woman has twins and gives them up for adoption. One goes to a family in Egypt and is named "Amal." The other goes to a family in Spain; they name him "Juan." Years later, Juan sends a picture of himself to his Mom. Upon receiving the picture, she tells her husband that she wishes she also had a picture of Amal. Her husband responds, "But they're twins. If you've seen Juan, you've seen Amal.
# What kind of flower grows on your face?
# Tulips.
# What kind of floor do dinosaurs' bathrooms have?
# Rep-tiles.
Once upon a time there were two little skunks named "In" and "Out." They lived in a hollow tree with their mother. Sometime In and Out played outside, but other times they played inside. One day In was out and Out was in. Mother skunk told Out to go out and bring In in. So Out went out and in a few minutes he came in with In.
"My my, Out," she said, "How did you find In so quickly?"
Out just smiled and said, "Instinct."
# What did the girl sea say when the boy sea asked her for a date?
# Shore.
A man walked into a bar and sat down, ordered a beer. As he sipped the beer, he heard a soothing voice say, "Nice tie!" Looking around he noticed that the bar was empty except for himself and the bartender. A few sips later the voice said, "Beautiful shirt." At this, the man called the bartender over. "Hey, I must be losing my mind," he told the bartender. "I keep hearing these voices saying nice things, and there's not a soul in here but us."
"It's the peanuts," answered the bartender. "They're complimentary."
A group of chess enthusiasts had checked into a hotel and were standing in the lobby discussing their recent tournament victories. Soon the manager came out and asked them to disperse. "But why," one asked.
"Because," he said, "I can't stand chess nuts boasting in an open foyer."
# What did one tomato say to the other?
# Catch up.
A three-legged dog walked into a saloon in the Old West. He sidled up to the bar and announced, "I'm looking for the man who shot my paw."
# Why do marble statues look so mean?
# They have hearts of stone.
There was a man who entered a local paper's pun contest. He sent in ten different puns, hoping that at least one of the puns would win. Unfortunately, no pun in ten did.
# What do you get when you mix a mouse with some laundry detergent?
# Squeaky clean clothes.
# What do you call a chicken that crosses the road, rolls in the mud, and crosses back over?
# A dirty double crosser.
# Why do bees have sticky hair?
# They use honeycombs.
An orchestra is playing Beethoven's 9th Symphony. There is a passage in the middle when, for about 20 minutes, the bass violinists have nothing to do. So they decide to slip out to a bar and drink a few beers. After a while one says, "Hey, we better get going."
But another says, "No, wait. I tied several pages of the conductor's sheet music together, so we'll have a couple of extra minutes while he sorts it out."
So they stay for another round. Finally when they go staggering back to their places. It was the bottom of the ninth, the score was tied, and the bassists were loaded.
# What do turtles do for fun?
# Play hide and shell.
Two olives are pals, and they're hanging from the tree like they've been for months. Suddenly, one falls to the ground. The remaining one says, "Are you ok?" And the other replies, "Olive!"
# How do you know when the moon is going broke?
# When it's down to its last quarter.
# What do you call a white, poofy space alien?
# Martianmallow.
In a particular small country, there was a king. He was much beloved of the people, and so they built for him a castle. But they were poor people and could only afford to build it out of grass. So they worked for weeks, and finally completed a lovely woven grass castle for him. And the king was pleased.
Another country, significantly richer than the first, presented a peace offering of an ornate throne. The king accepted this gift graciously and was most pleased. The only trouble was, the throne was very uncomfortable. So the king got himself a more comfortable chair and kept the massive throne in the attic. Naturally, it fell through the floor and killed him.
The moral of this story: People who live in grass houses shouldn't stow thrones.
# What part of the body is like a sandwich meat?
# Below-knee!
# How do you catch a unique rabbit?
# Unique up on him.
# How do you catch a tame rabbit?
# The tame way -- unique up on him.
Two sausages are in a frying pan. One says, "Geez, it's hot in here isn't it?"
And the other one says, "Aaaaaah! A talking sausage!"
To err is human; to moo bovine.
A director decides that he's going to make a movie based on the lives of famous classical composers. Looking for a prospective cast, he asks Sylvester Stallone which composer he would like to play in the movie. Stallone thinks for a moment and says, "I like Mozart. Let me be Mozart."
The director then turns to Arnold Schwarzenegger and asks him who he'd like to play. Arnold replies, "I'll be Bach!"
# How much does it cost for a pirate to get his ears pierced?
# A buck an ear.
# What do you call cheese that isn't yours?
# Nacho cheese.
Quadruplets: Four crying out loud.
* Have you heard the one about the witch's broom?
* It's sweeping the valley.
(That one usually floors me, but I'm going to brush it aside before I'm swept away with laughter.)
# What did the grape say when the elephant stepped on him?
# Nothing. He just let out a little wine.
# What do you get when you combine a recliner with a fruit?
# A chairy.
# What did one strawberry say to the other strawberry?
# If you hadn't been so fresh, we wouldn't be in this jam!
A scientist cloned himself, but the clone turned out to be incredibly rude. Eventually, the scientist got sick of his clone and pushed him over a cliff. The next day he was arrested for making an obscene clone fall.
A man worked at an orange juice factory, but he was canned because he couldn't concentrate.
Another poor soul worked at a company making blankets. He lost his job when the company folded.
Did you hear about the pilot who went on sick leave? He had the flew.
Then there was the guy who fell into a vat of molten optical glass after drinking too much. Just two glasses, and look what a spectacle he made of himself.
# When Noah was loading the Ark, where did he put the bees?
# In the Ark-hives.
A certain leisure complex had a cinema and a swimming pool. One day, the cinema screen fell into the pool. The owners left it there and used it as a dive-in theater.
# What do you call a snake that rides around on the front of a car?
# A windshield viper.
I used to own a car that never seemed to run properly. It was a brokeswagen.
# Why did the scientist install a knocker on his door?
# He wanted to win the no bell prize!
# What do you call a clairvoyant midget who escaped from prison?
# A small medium at large.
A math teacher had a bird, and he trained it to talk. One day it escaped, and he yelled out the window, "Polly gone! Polly gone!"
# Mrs. Bigger had a baby. Which one was bigger?
# The baby. It was a little Bigger.
A man visited his doctor for a regular checkup. The doctor checked him out and gave him some bad news. "There are two things wrong with you," he said. "You have cancer and Alzheimer's."
"Well," said the man, "at least I don't have cancer."
Klasse Carlos, du hast meinen Tag gerettet. Hab zwar ewig zum Durchlesen bebraucht, aber hat sich gelohnt.
--> Lu, oder sonst wer
Deswegen Gastunfreundlich. Bei mir, stand da halt die Warnung. Jeder durfte eintretten, aber auf eigene Gefahr! :DQuote:
Original von LuYeah
"I hear ya knockin'
but ya can't come in"
-> Elvis
Erm, das alles nochmal zu wiederholen würde den Thread entgültig sprengen :oDQuote:
Original von CarlosCM
extrem gekürzt von mir :D
Also: Mein Kommentar dazu: nett :oD
-> Maeher
--> maeher
moin maeher
--> maeher
btw binn dann wieder zocken
was zockst du???
--> elvis89
:ppp: Nicht ganz, ich freu mich zwar Angel mal wieder gesehen zu haben aber es war reiner zufall. :pQuote:
Original von GoDNemesis
Wobei ich mir die Frage, warum auf einmal EMB wieder da ist, sparen kann. Ist Angel da, ist auch EMB anwesend... :D