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Thread: GeforceFX Benchmarks

  1. #1

    GeforceFX Benchmarks

    Auf gibts erste GeForce FX- Benchmarks. Die Ergebnisse spiegeln zwar noch nicht die endgültigen Leistungen wieder da die Treiber noch nicht optimiert sind, aber es ist trotzdem recht interessant. Hier mal die wichtigsten Stellen:

    With early drivers and freshly fabbed silicon, the card we tested isn’t quite what you’ll find in stores when the card ships in February or March. In fact, the board and its drivers were so unpolished, nVidia initially refused to let us benchmark it at all, and relented only when we agreed to limit our tests to pre-approved benchmarks running at stipulated resolutions and AA settings. We gave in to all these conditions because we were intent on reporting the first GeForce FX benchmark scores, however beta they may be. Driver refinement is an ongoing process -- before and after a videocard launch -- and frame rates will improve as nVidia optimizes more and more for specific engines.
    It would be silly to extrapolate fine details about the card’s performance from such a small benchmark sample. It would also be unfair, considering the un-optimized condition of the drivers. But we can make some broad guesses about the strengths and weaknesses of nVidia’s new technology. In Quake III running at 1600x1200, 32-bit color and 2x anti-aliasing, the GeForce FX is about 40 percent faster than the ATI Radeon 9700 Pro at the same settings. The GeForce is almost 20 percent faster than the 9700 Pro in the Unreal Tournament 2003 Asbestos fly-by demo at these same settings. However, in the 3DMark 2001:SE Game 4 benchmark at these settings, the Radeon 9700 is about 10 percent faster than the GeForce FX.
    Dare to Compare: GeForce FX Early Benchmarks

    GeForce FX

    Quake3 Demo001, 1600x1200 2xAA: 209fps

    UT 2003 Asbestos, 1600x1200 2xAA: 140fps

    3DMark Game4, 1600x1200 2xAA: 41fps

    Radeon 9700 Pro

    Quake3 Demo001, 1600x1200 2xAA: 147fps

    UT 2003 Asbestos, 1600x1200 2xAA: 119fps

    3DMark Game4, 1600x1200 2xAA: 45fps

    Tests were run in the Alienware prototype system.
    Und bei Sparkle kann man schon vorbestellen. Wie viel sind 329 Pfund in €?

  2. #2
    Ein Euro enspricht 0,6525 Pfund bei Zahlungen in das Ausland.
    Heißt für dich das die Karte etwa 504 Euro kostet...
    1000 Mark, das is ja schon ein halber PC...

    Btw, Währungen stehen Tagesaktuell in jeder besseren Tageszeitung mit Aktienkursen.

  3. #3
    Da hab ich nich drangedacht. Ich will mir eh keine kaufen, meine TI4400 reicht noch dieses Jahr.

  4. #4
    @ MaGus:
    Ich denke auch, dass dein TI4400 auch noch für nächstes Jahr reicht, außer du brauchst immer das Neueste *g*.

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