Jep, es ist schon lange her, daß Carlos uns noch so ein abhängig machendes und jedoh völlig sinnloses Spiel zeigt. Hier ist das nächste:

Pogress Quest

Die Geschichte?
Since time before time the Vorlak had held the Crosshutch at Thraeskamp. The ancient reckoning held that the Five Skrelkampi (and their Truebine) would return when the great Trond-feast could be held anew and the Belnap reunited. But this legend became lost to all but the Papperboxen at Horbug. One of their own was Yallow the Speldrig, who found an unlikely pupil in Torbole Understeady, the discarded illigitimate waif of Wainthane Topknox, whom Yallow renamed Grumdrig and began to school as a boar-pulmet's apprentice. ...And, as it was said by some, in aberdoxy.
As our story opens young Grumdrig has returned to Horbug following a trying stint in Spilwaer Spond where his laconic disposition and fertile mind bred a series of misadventures which had landed him outside the good graces of the Jordref there, Welham, who had secretly begun a long term course of slow but disaccomodating illpeel in the lad's morning fanwael. Meanwhile, though scarce a tuft of mansefur had yet made its appearance on the boy's manssach, a number of visiting Roilwachhs have begun to exhibit a discreet and seemingly inexplicable interest in the boy. Strange indeed, as he would not reach his krouchensterm for another harvest or more. And when Grumdrig's resiliant compatriot Paedri appears at Grumdrig's lochnotat with a Scrolstamp from the old Speldrig, a woozy foreboding feeling rises from his young gut...
Was kann das Ding? Character ziemlich nett generieren, Multiplayerspiel übers Netz.

Warum ist es doch immer noch sinnlos? Hm, sagen wir es mal so, nachdem du den Charachter fertig generiert hast fängt das Abenteuer. Und die einzige Taste die man drücken kann ist ALT+F4. Der Computer "spielt" das Abenteuer für dich (natürlich siehst du was er macht, was er bekommt und für wieviel er es verkäuft, welche Quests gemacht werden usw, aber TUN, muss man nichts.

Sinnlos. Einfach sinnlos. Und jetzt wartet kurz, ich muss mein Spielstand laden...